Erillisverkot ja Netradar yhteistyöhön, The State Security Networks Group Finland and Netradar are starting cooperation

Palvelulla Erillisverkot lisää tietämystään kaupallisten operaattoreiden langattomien laajakaistapalveluiden kyvystä palvella viranomaisia kriittisissä tiedonsiirtotarpeissa. Netradar-palvelun avulla voi seurata myös kaupallisten mobiilipalveluiden peittoalueiden kehitystä.
Netradar-teknologia tuo viranomaisten käyttöön uusia näkymiä mobiiliverkkojen toimintaan ja niiden todellisiin nopeuksiin sekä mahdollisiin pullonkauloihin jokapäiväisessä toiminnassa. Verkkojen laadulla on iso merkitys, koska kyse on ihmisten turvallisuudesta.
Antti Kauppinen, osastopäällikkö, Suomen Erillisverkot -konserni, puh. 040 866 8582,
Tomi Paatsila, toimitusjohtaja, Netradar, puh. 044 551 4400
The State Security Networks Group Finland and Netradar are starting cooperation
The State Security Networks Group Finland has signed a cooperation agreement on starting to use the Netradar technology. Netradar is an innovation service developed at Aalto University. It provides the State Security Networks Group Finland, selected as the service operator for authorities, with insight into the service ability of wireless broadband services provided by commercial operators.
With this service, the State Security Networks Group Finland increases its knowledge about the ability of wireless broadband services provided by commercial operators to serve authorities with their critical data transfer needs. The Netradar service also makes it possible to monitor the coverage area development of commercial mobile services.
The Netradar technology will provide authorities with new insight into the operation of mobile networks, their actual data transfer rates and potential bottlenecks in daily operations. The quality of networks is highly important as the safety and security of people is involved.
For more information, please contact:
Antti Kauppinen, Head of Department, State Security Networks Group Finland, tel. +358 40 866 8582,
Tomi Paatsila, CEO, Netradar Oy, tel. +358 44 551 4400